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Console = Dreamcast
Times Viewed = 17
Author = Neophyte

Dynamite Deka 2

Successfully complete the game one time.

Bonus missions:
Successfully complete missions 1, 2, and 3 without using all continues to unlock three additional missions.
Note: This also allows unlimited credits for the tranquilizer gun mini-game.
Mission 4 is based on mission 1 with a single life, double damage weapons, and no continues. Mission 5 is based on mission 2 with a time limit in each room and no continues. Mission 6 is based on mission 3, with very little health, few health power-ups, no other power-ups, and no continues.

Play as the Monkey:
Successfully complete missions 4, 5, and 6 to unlock the Monkey. The Monkey fights similarly to Bruno.

Play as original Bruno:
Collect all illustrations in the game to unlock the original Bruno from Die Hard Arcade

Script From CheatsNetwork coded by David Cole





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