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Console = Dreamcast
Times Viewed = 41
Author = Neophyte

Generator Volume 1

  • Quick restart (Bass Fishing)

    Normally, the game will return to the Generator main menu after the "Game Over" screen. To prevent this, and allow another Bass Fishing game to start faster, quickly hold A + B + X + Y and press Start at the "Game Over" screen.

  • Quick restart (Power Stone)

    At the victory screen after a match, hold A + B + X + Y and press Start to restart the game without going back to the Generator main menu.

  • Extra arena (Power Stone)

    The following trick allows the arena that you can play in one player mode to be used in two player mode. Begin a game in two player mode, then hold A + B + X + Y and press Start at the end of the match. Select two player mode again and have either player select Gunrock as a fighter. Immediately press A at the stage selection screen to select the extra arena.

  • Rainy weather (Flag To Flag)

    At the transmission selection screen, highlight "Automatic" or "Manual". Then, hold L + R + Down and press A. Continue to hold L + R + Down until the track completes loading.

  • Cloudy day (Flag To Flag)

    At the transmission selection screen, highlight "Automatic" or "Manual". Then, hold L + R + Up and press A. Continue to hold L + R + Up until the track completes loading.

  • Chao Puzzle VMU game (Sonic Adventure)

    Note: This trick requires two controllers, one into port A and the other into port D. Insert a VMU into controller D and load Sonic Adventure. Press Start on the controller in port D and the "Chao Puzzle" should appear on the VMU. Press Start on controller A to pause the game before playing the Chao Puzzle. Note: Allowing the game to continue while playing the Chao Puzzle will cause it to freeze.

  • Second level (The House Of The Dead 2)

    Successfully complete the training mission to unlock the second level in the demo.

  • Game music

    Start the Dreamcast without a disc to access the audio CD player. Insert the game disc and play track two and higher to hear music from the game. -From: jackiann@home.com

  • Script From David Cole
    CheatsNetwork coded by David Cole




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