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Console = GameBoy Advance
Times Viewed = 720
Author = Neophyte

F-Zero: Maximum Velocity

  • Password screen

    At the machine selection screen in grand prix mode, press L, R, Start, R, L, Select.

  • Jet Vermilion car

    Go to the machine selection screen in grand prix mode. Press L, R, Start, R, L, Select to display the password screen. Go to the Nintendo Of Japan web site and enter your name exactly using the on-screen keyboard keys, then click on the "Confirm" button (furthest right). You will get a password which will allow you to get the top secret Jet Vermilion car. Enter that password in your game to unlock the car. There are also two other ways to unlock the Jet Vermilion car. One is to unlock all other cars and complete championship mode 255 times. The other is to complete every series on Master Class with all other racers.

  • Sly Joker car

    Win the Pawn, Knight and Bishop tracks on the standard difficulty setting to unlock the Sly Joker car.

  • Falcon MK-II car

    Win any set of tracks on the expert difficulty setting to unlock the Falcon MK-II car.

  • Fighting Comet car

    Win the Pawn, Knight, Bishop and Queen tracks on the master difficulty setting to unlock the Fighting Comet car.

  • Silver Thunder car

    Win the Queen tracks on the expert difficulty setting to unlock the Silver Thunder car.

  • Stingray car

    Win the Pawn, Knight and Bishop tracks on the expert difficulty setting to unlock the Stingray car.

  • Silence: Open C

    Complete a linked game with another Game Boy Advance using only one game cartridge.

  • Master difficulty setting

    Win the Pawn, Knight, or Bishop series on the expert difficulty setting in grand prix mode to unlock the master difficulty for that series.

  • Demonstration mode

    At the title screen, press Select.

  • In-game reset

    While playing a game, press Select + Start + A + B.

  • Delete saved games

    Hold L + R and turn on the Game Boy Advance. Select "Yes" at the prompt to delete your game saves.

    Script From CheatsNetwork coded by David Cole





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