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Console = Nintendo 64
Times Viewed = 75
Author = Neophyte

All-Star Baseball 2001

  • Fly back to dugout

    Enter "FLYAWAY" as a code at the cheat screen. Then, players will fly back to the dugout after an out.

  • Small players

    Enter "TOMTHUMB" as a code at the cheat screen. 

  • Aluminum bats

    Enter "HOLLOWBATS" as a code at the cheat screen. 

  • Big baseball

    Enter "BCHBLKTPTY" as a code at the cheat screen. 

  • Baseball trails

    Enter "WLDWLDWST" as a code at the cheat screen.

  • Blackout mode

    Enter "WTOTL" as a code at the cheat screen.

  • Blurred graphics

    Enter "MYEYES" as a code at the cheat screen. 

  • Lizard team

    Select exhibition mode and choose Kaufmann Stadium. Then during a game, hit one of the signs that say "Win a lizard" to transform all players on the team into lizards.

    Script From CheatsNetwork coded by David Cole





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